Tip 10

We have all had electronic devices go for a swim at one point or another. For instance, back in August, my laptop had a whole cup of water fall on it. Just recently, my iPad took a dive in (Taiwanese) beer. This tip will go through the vital steps to ensure your device stays working even after a disaster.

First, if your electronic device has been exposed to liquids, turn it off immediately! This can often help you avoid most of the damage that can occur to a device. This is because the water can often short the printed circuit board rendering the integrated circuits inoperable.

(Did you know that many circuit boards are rinsed with deionized water and a specialized cleaning solution?)

Second, remove all the excess liquid if at all possible. Towels are good for this.

Third, clean the device with high concentration rubbing alcohol. The closer to 99% the better. This will help evaporate water but also clean your device without the use of soap and water. (A definite no no!)

Fourth, place the device in a plastic bag that can be sealed well with some silica packs. I was lucky enough to find some in Taipei at Daiso Japan. If you're not sure what I'm talking about they are often used to keep food dry. They are commonly used in bags of jerky to keep the meat dry. They are also used to dry clothing. The silica that doesn't turn to gel is preferred.

Fifth, wait 24-48 hours for the silica to do its work. It has inherent chemical properties that bind to the water in the air. This ability essentially wicks the moisture away in almost any place that isn't air tight.

Note: you can also use rice but I've found that if it's not dry enough it won't remove any moisture from the air.

Sixth, turn on the device and check all the functions. If the device does not turn on or still has problems consider another 24-48 hours in a sealed bag and silica packs.

Happy Trails 😎